Model averaging, stacking and blending
This guide clarifies our use of terms such as model averaging, Bayesian model averaging, stacking and blending.
The process of model averaging, which is part of ensemble learning, means to take a weighted average of (posterior) predictions from a set of \(K\) models, \(\mathcal{M} = \{M_{1}, M_{2}, ..., M_{k}\}\). Currently, there are a number of methods used to derive model weights to average predictions.
Bayesian model averaging (BMA) refers to the process of averaging Bayesian models using posterior model probabilities:
where \(p(y \mid M_k) = \int p(y \mid \theta_k, M_{k}) p(\theta_k \mid M_k) d\theta_k\) for unknown model parameters \(\theta_k\) in model \(k\) is the integrated or marginal likelihood for model \(k\). The posterior model probabilities are then used to average predictions of new data \(\tilde{y}\):
Typically, BMA proceeds by estimating the posterior distribution of each model separately, recognizing that \(p(M_k \mid y) \propto p(y \mid M_k) p(M_k)\), choosing a suitable value for prior model probability \(p(M_k)\) (e.g. uniform values), and renormalizing to obtain posterior model probabilities. Alternatively, one can obtain posterior model probabilities from the Bayes factor (the ratio of marginal likelihoods) with user-chosen prior model probabilities (Hoeting et al., 1999).
There are two aspects of BMA that have made other approaches preferable: 1) marginal likelihoods for each candidate model can be difficult to calculate and 2) BMA allocates weights as if the candidate models were the only plausible models. Paraphrasing Kruschke (2011), if Bayesian parameter estimation is re-allocating credibility across possible parameter values, BMA is re-allocating credibility across possible hypotheses or models. This is a reasonable approach if the set of candidate models contain the true model, or something close to the true model, but might not be if the true model is outside of the candidate model set. The former is an \(\mathcal{M}\)-closed problem, where the latter is an \(\mathcal{M}\)-open problem (Bernado & Smith 1999, Clyde & Iverson, 2012). In the \(\mathcal{M}\)-open setting, BMA will place 100% weight on the most credible of candidate models that minimizes Kullback-Leibler divergence as the amount of data \(N \to \infty\), as would be expected by Bayesian inference generally. This is different to identifying the 'true' data-generating process.
What are we to do in the \(\mathcal{M}\)-open setting? The now-standard approach is to derive weights not from the training data but using a measure of the generalization error of a model, such as cross-validation (e.g. Wolpert, 1992). Yao et al., (2018) introduced pseudo-Bayesian model averaging (pseudo-BMA) as a method of deriving weights using the expected log pointwise predictive densities (ELPD) for each model obtained via approximate cross-validation with PSIS-LOO. The ELPD values are normalized to obtain a set of weights that sum to 1. In addition, pseudo-Bayesian model averaging plus (pseudo-BMA+) accounts for uncertainty in the information criteria by applying the Bayesian bootstrap to the PSIS-LOO estimates of ELPD first.
Stacking is an alternative method of deriving model weights in the \(\mathcal{M}\)-open setting by solving an optimization problem. Specifically, the weights, \(\hat{w} = (w_{1}, w_{2}, ..., w_{K})\), are those that satisfy:
where \(\tilde{y}_{i}\) is the future data (e.g. test data), \(w_{k}\) is the weight for model \(k\), and \(f(y_{i}, p(\theta_{k}, M_k \mid \mathbf{y})\) represents any scoring rule used to evaluate data point \(\tilde{y}_{i}\) from the posterior distribution of model \(k\), \(p(\Theta_{k}, M_k \mid \mathbf{y})\), with parameters \(\Theta_{k}\). While stacking has a long history (Wolpert, 1992), it is has relatively recently been generalized to a Bayesian context (Clyde & Iversen, 2013, Le & Clarke, 2017, Yao et al., (2018)).
The appeal of stacking, apart from its reported improved predictive accuracy over other procedures (see e.g. Clarke, 2004, Sill et al., 2009, or Yao et al., 2018), is its extensibility. For instance, the weights can vary over data points \(i = (1, ..., N)\), creating an \(N \times K\) weight matrix \(\mathbf{W}\) to be optimized. The weights can also be a function of covariates, and/or can be estimated hierarchically. These extensions have generally been referred to as hierarchical Bayesian stacking (see Yao et al., 2021) because of their use of a fully Bayesian model to estimate the weights.
In BayesBlend, we use the term blending to refer all different types of model averaging processes, and to emphasise the goal of blending posterior predictions from multiple models into a coherent distribution. Alternative software can fit models to obtain stacking weights (although BayesBlend is the only software to implement hierarchical stacking at the time of writing), but BayesBlend makes it easy to combine predictions using a set of model weights.